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Alcuni giochi per PC

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Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Only a short time ago, Darren Michaels was a quiet store clerk in a sleepy New England town. Now in Willow Creek, England, a tormented Darren barely reacts as police handcuffs are closed on his wrists. All the evidence points to him, and the police have arrested Darren as their primary suspect in a fatal crime.

Punta e Clicca
Black Mirror III Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

A cavallo tra la Prima e la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, BloodRayne lavora come killer per la Società Brimstone, una confraternita segreta che dà la caccia e distrugge le minacce soprannaturali. Due missioni a cinque anni di distanza l'una dall'altra sono in realtà collegate a uno stesso uomo, che da tempo vaga per il mondo alla ricerca di reliquie occulte con cui portare la Germania a una nuova era di dominio. Rayne deve affrontare il suo esercito nazista d'élite.

BloodRayne Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Forget the normal rules of play; if nothing seems real here, it’s because it may just be all a delusion. What is the significance of the aerial -- What happened on the motorway -- is the island real or imagined -- who is Esther and why has she chosen to summon you here? The answers are out there, on the lost beach, the windswept cliffs and buried in the darkness of the tunnels beneath the island… Or then again, they may just not be, after all… 

Dear Esther Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Dungeons: The Dark Lord è il sequel di Dungeons, il gioco dove più sei malvagio, meglio è! Insieme a modalità multigiocatore come Deathmatch e King of the Hill, è ora possibile giocare nei panni di alcuni dei boss popolari del gioco (Minosse, il Signore del Dungeon, il Re degli Zombi e altri) in multigiocatore, con in più un'estesa campagna a giocatore singolo, nuovi tipi di dungeon e 25 nuovi trucchi da prestigio.

Dungeons - The Dark Lord Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

New York, 2000...

...Without knowing how or why, Brian, a student on the verge of graduating from college, is attacked by Mafia gangsters.

During his desperate getaway, in the company of a mysterious striptease dancer, he ends up meeting a wide range of unusual characters. But which ones are trying to help him and which ones are planning to blow his head off?

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Runaway: A Road Adventure Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

New York in 2011… Homeless people are disappearing one after another, their bodies found lifeless. Meanwhile, a Y-shaped scar appears on the hands of seemingly unrelated people. Henry White, a young and rich heir dedicated to a charitable organization, and his friend Cooper, are the first to investigate. They will soon cross paths with the enigmatic John Yesterday, whose memory seems to have been wiped clear, and who will find himself dragged into this incredible story!

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Yesterday (New York Crimes) Pagina Steam

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