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Alcuni giochi per PC

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Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

BloodRayne è nata dall'unione tra un vampiro e una donna umana. Dotata dei poteri dei vampiri ma maledetta dalla sete di sangue e dall'odio per la luce del sole, affronta una sua battaglia personale dando la caccia ai fratellastri, che si sono riuniti per dar vita a una nuova era di dominio nella quale gli umani saranno trattati come bestiame. I fratelli hanno creato la "Shroud", una sostanza misteriosa in grado di rendere i vampiri immuni ai letali raggi del sole.

BloodRayne 2 Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Forget the normal rules of play; if nothing seems real here, it’s because it may just be all a delusion. What is the significance of the aerial -- What happened on the motorway -- is the island real or imagined -- who is Esther and why has she chosen to summon you here? The answers are out there, on the lost beach, the windswept cliffs and buried in the darkness of the tunnels beneath the island… Or then again, they may just not be, after all… 

Dear Esther Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

The game revolves around Deimos, foremost of all Dungeon Lords. He falls victim to a devious plot hatched by his vile, nasty, thoroughly vicious ex-girlfriend Calypso, and suddenly finds himself at the bottom of the hierarchy and the top of the dungeon once again.

Dungeons Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Prince of Persia: I Due Troni (Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones nell'originale) è un'avventura dinamica sviluppata da Ubisoft Montreal e pubblicato da Ubisoft nel 2005.

È l'ultimo capitolo della trilogia riguardante la saga delle sabbie di Prince of Persia iniziata con Prince of Persia: Le sabbie del tempo. L'ambientazione riprende i toni solari del primo episodio.

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (I Due Troni) Pagina SteamPrince of Persia: The Two Thrones (I Due Troni) Pagina GOG
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

New York, 2000...

...Without knowing how or why, Brian, a student on the verge of graduating from college, is attacked by Mafia gangsters.

During his desperate getaway, in the company of a mysterious striptease dancer, he ends up meeting a wide range of unusual characters. But which ones are trying to help him and which ones are planning to blow his head off?

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Runaway: A Road Adventure Pagina Steam
Gioco PC Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Travel to the four corners of the world with Brian and Gina in a crazy story packed full of surprises. Pirates, spies, surfers, soldiers, and even aliens get in on the act - all combining to create a wonderfully rewarding experience to savour and remember forever!

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Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle (Runaway 2) Pagina Steam

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